Showing the Power of Marketing.
Selling Shit to People Since October 2014.

2017 Goal: $100k in Revenue

It's official. People still hate each other... A LOT.

And we have a proof.

Ex-wifes, boyfriends, colleagues, Donald Trumps, parents, celebrities and 100s of other weirdos were targeted by our 4,879 lovely customers (who just can't be wrong!).

We thought all the hype will be over after several months of being invariably mentioned in media and discussed over social networks.

But 2016 was even more successful than 2015... We are still in business!

And we have a new goal -- drive $100k in revenue by the end of the year 2017.

You can now check our revenue in real-time!

And you can still use a coupon (HORSE) to get $1 OFF on your order! (To help us reach the goal faster, haha.)

And you can also win $25 PayPal cash towards purchase of the best prank gift ever!

And that's all folks.

Peter, CEO

The Amazing Adventures of a Shit-in-a-Box Delivery Service

Get the latest information about our shitty marketing experiment.

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