Showing the Power of Marketing.
Selling Shit to People Since October 2014.

3 Years Later: 2 Tonnes of Horse Shit, $100k in Revenue and 6,000 Happy Recipients

We. Did. It.

Our goal for the year 2017 has been reached at the same time we celebrated our third anniversary!

Over two tons of horse manure have been distributed among 6,000 lucky recipients. Unbelievable! I have no words...

Well... at this very moment the Shitexpress team is celebrating this incredible milestone in the Caribbean! Yay!

Even though we are at the beach or near the pool almost all the time, we do still think about shit business.

In order to squeeze the maximum out of this stay, we decided to deliver some pure Caribbean manure also from this beautiful region!

What does this mean for you? Apart from getting an exotic smelly piece of mare shit, you'll also support local economy. :-)

Don't forget to use a coupon code CARIBBEAN to claim your Caribbean shit and a $1 discount before October 31st!

Peter 'Caribbean' Crapper, CEO

The Amazing Adventures of a Shit-in-a-Box Delivery Service

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