언제나 그런 사람이 한 명 쯤은 있을거예요!
그 사람이 똥이 든 상자를 열었을 때 표정은 말로 표현할 수 없을거예요.
1) 동물 선택다양한 동물이 다양한 유형의 배설물을 배출합니다. 오늘, 저희는 오가닉, 젖은 말똥을 배달합니다. |
2) 주소 입력기존의 우편 서비스로, 전세계 모든 국가의 수취인에게 직접 패키지를 배달합니다. |
3) 스티커 선택깔끔하고, 간단한 아무 것도 없는 패키지를 원하세요? 아니면 큰 웃는 얼굴 스티커를 추가하는 건 어떠세요? |
4) Bitcoin 또는 PayPal로 결제이 서비스는 100% 익명입니다. 저희는 결코 사용자의 이름이나 주소를 밝히지 않습니다. PayPal로 결제하셔도 사용자의 신원이 보호됩니다. |
다양한 동물이 다양한 유형의 배설물을 배출합니다. 오늘, 저희는 오가닉, 젖은 말똥을 배달합니다.
기존의 우편 서비스로, 전세계 모든 국가의 수취인에게 직접 패키지를 배달합니다.
깔끔하고, 간단한 아무 것도 없는 패키지를 원하세요? 아니면 큰 웃는 얼굴 스티커를 추가하는 건 어떠세요?
이 서비스는 100% 익명입니다. 저희는 결코 사용자의 이름이나 주소를 밝히지 않습니다. PayPal로 결제하셔도 사용자의 신원이 보호됩니다.
출시 기념 특별가로 패키지를 보내세요
- 전세계 무료 배송 -
주소: | 1FWm6BBdv7jcbXSK9eGiDWm2N5cj76aJeb |
BTC: | 0.05 |
주문 ID: | |
설명: | 제공된 블록체인 주소로 0.05 BTC를 결제하세요. 주문 상태 확인을 위해 주문 ID를 저장하세요. |
주소: | |
Memo ID (주문 ID): |
Stellar XLM: | 50 |
설명: | 제공된 블록체인 주소로 0.05 BTC를 결제하세요. 주문 상태 확인을 위해 주문 ID를 저장하세요. |
주소: | |
주문 ID: | |
Ethereum ETH: | 50 |
설명: | 제공된 블록체인 주소로 0.05 BTC를 결제하세요. 주문 상태 확인을 위해 주문 ID를 저장하세요. |
주문 ID: | |
설명: | PayPal로 리디렉션되고 있습니다. 너무 오래 걸리는 경우, 여기를 클릭하세요. 어떤 문제가 발생한 경우, 저희에게 연락주세요. |
Goal: Anonymously send a bag of horse manure, including a personalized note for the recipient.
Priorities: Anonymity, reliability, awesome customer support.
Shipping: We are based in Hong Kong, but we ship from Europe. We use the national postal service and an anonymous shipping method with no tracking number. Delivery time is approximately 3-5 business days within Europe and 6-8 business days outside of Europe. Packages are shipped on Mondays and Thursdays. An optional tracking number is available for USD 5 or EUR 5.
Price: USD 16.95 / EUR 15.95
Privacy: The personal information of recipients is not sold or shared in any way. We periodically delete personal data, retaining only the recipient's country for statistical purposes.
Package: The final product consists of a plastic envelope with the recipient's home address and an optional sticker, a personalized message, and a plastic bag containing up to 250 grams (9 ounces) of manure. We may reduce the amount of manure to 50 grams (2 ounces) if we send a second package to the same recipient (in case the delivery of the first package fails) or if we determine that a smaller amount of manure will pass through customs more easily or quickly. Based on our previous experience, the amount of manure does not influence the recipient's surprise when opening the plastic bag.
Manure: For marketing purposes, we call it "shit" or "poop." In fact, we use horse manure, which is a 100% organic fertilizer. Please read the information at the bottom of the page.
Customs: If we send packages outside of Europe, we have to fill out a simple customs form. The product is a gift for the recipient, so we mark it as a gift and set its value to less than €5 or $5, which is the approximate purchase price of the package and all its components.
By ordering one of our products, you agree to the following: You may NOT use our service to threaten, harass, violate a legal restraint, or for any other unlawful purpose. The customer agrees that this is a gag gift and novelty service for entertainment ONLY, and that is their only intention. Shitexpress.com's liability to the customer is limited to the price of the product. Customers ordering any items from this website agree to release Shitexpress.com, its agents, officers, and employees from any and all liability associated with the use of our services.
January 1, 2025
Horse manure is a solid waste excluded from federal EPA solid waste regulation because it neither contains significant amounts of hazardous chemicals, nor exhibits hazardous characteristics. The chemical constituents of horse manure are not toxic to humans. Horse guts do not contain significant levels of the two waterborne pathogens of greatest concern to human health risk, Cryptosporidium or Giardia, neither do they contain significant amounts of the bacteria E. coli 0157:H7 or Salmonella. Fungus, viruses, bacteria and worms found in horses have never been shown to infect humans and are unlikely to be zoonotic. Finally, the reality is that there are very few horses, and even fewer numbers of them that frequent trails. People seldom encounter or handle horse manure. People who do have occasion to handle horse manure have never been infected by this intimate contact. Humans and other sources within the environment (e.g. wild animals and birds) with their overwhelming population numbers are far more likely than horses to contribute to human health risks.